The Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) public school funding formula represents a major overhaul in how Tennessee funds public education, aiming to improve student proficiency in reading by third grade, prepare high school graduates for postsecondary success, and provide necessary resources for all students. Starting in the 2023-24 school year, each school district must submit an annual accountability report to the Tennessee Department of Education, detailing goals for student achievement, including a plan to have 70% of third graders meet or exceed expectations in English Language Arts (ELA) and to close the proficiency gap by 15% over three years. The report must also explain how these goals can be met within the district’s budget and, from 2024-25 onwards, describe how past expenditures have supported progress. These reports are subject to public review and must be submitted by November 1st each year, with annual reviews by the TISA Progress Review Board to ensure districts are on track to meet their goals.

We ask that you review the plan and submit feedback using the survey below. Your feedback helps us improve and we appreciate your time and input.

View the report for Overton County Schools

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